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Friday, September 22, 2017

Sex Prophets


The time is 3am and I cannot sleep.  I have been tossing and turning, and my heart is bleeding. I am feeling great pain and sorrow.., deep in my soul.    Let me get straight to the point.  Unbeknown to many of the  “prophets” I get A LOT of messages from A LOT of their women victims.  They all say, “Pastor Phaladi, look, this is what this man did to me, please,he did the same things to my friends and many girls in church.., please expose him”, and another one and hundreds more.  My answer to these ladies  is always the same.

 No matter how much a man might have wronged you, there is no way I can talk to him publicly without having met with him with one or two elders in private and asked him why he is bringing the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ into disrepute.  If you feel that what he did to you has some criminal intent, then please open a police case and let the Law sort it out.
Now this is what I want to speak about.  A few brothers asked me privately, some were in the “prophetic” ministries.  So they asked me.  Pastor, How come each time we fornicated, how come did our prophecies become clearer? We could see more visions, it seems our “anointing” increased.
What these men are saying I know that very very well.  You see, there is something EXTREMELY spiritual about sex.  That is why Paul says in 1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.

Sex is one act, where a person opens up his/her spirit.   I was praying  for one sister a couple of months back who is studying at varsity.  Her 1st year grades were high, and second year only for half a year.  Then all of a sudden, its like someone took her brains, she started to fail and fail and never completed her degree, much to the surprise of everybody.  So as I was praying for her, I started to speak with this “male voice”, told me his name, that he took her intelligence, he was failing but she was bright, so he “dated” her just to have sex with her, then took her mind  away.  Well, lets just say after prayer, her “right” mind  was restored, but let us go slowly through what happened, you see what looked  like an “innocent” act of lovemaking, was actually a highly organized spiritual event to take away the intelligence of an unsuspecting girl who was “in love”.

Let me say this, if you have been wondering why these prophets are having sex with almost the whole church, they will have sex with even with blood sisters from the same house, sometimes they will have sex with mothers and daughters, it is not because of the “weakness” which is inherent in all men.  Look, every single red blooded human being can fall every single day, to err is very human.  Even with the most “careful” of Christians there are many things in their lives that they are not proud of.

I have preached about the message, “YOUR BODY DOES NOT UNDERSTAND GRACE”, I showed on that message that just because you fell into sin, or have serious short comings, etc, does not mean you are not saved. It only means you failed to safe guard  that temptation that sneaked up on you.   But with these prophets this is NOT what is happening.  They are not living immorally because of “Human weaknesses”.

No!! They do this DELIBERATELY!  You see the spirit that makes them tell you the name of your neighbor is not the spirit of God.  This spirit needs to be recharged all the time . hmmm..Lord how can I explain this thing nicely to your people in a manner they will understand??   Ok, thank you Lord for this example.

You remember in the Bible there is a story of the Woman who had a blood issue.  She said in her heart if she can only touch the hem of garment of Jesus she would be whole.  When that woman finally touched Jesus, the Lord turned and said “who touched me”.  He then went to say.. for I perceive “Virtue has gone out of me”.

Now virtue means strength.  Our very own Lord Jesus Christ, was touched by a woman, and strength left him.  Now Jesus Christ, because strength had left him,  had to go and “recharge”.  So normally he would go and spend time with the Father, praying, to “recharge” His spirit.  The same things happens all the time with me, when I minister, and pray for the sick, and cast out devils ect, I feel that something leaves me. I become weak.  Not just physically, in fact more spiritually so, then I can feel that I need to recharge. I need to spend time alone, and just be with God.   Sometimes many of you call, and I do not pick up the phone , like many that called yesterday on Monday, I could not pick up the call because I had not slept properly in 3 days, and I drove 400 kms Sunday morning to preach a sermon here in Midrand, so the whole Monday, I was just in the presence of the Lord.  Just like the batteries need to be recharged, I was also  recharging.

So, now lets go back to why these prophets sleep with soooooo  many women.  Remember, the spirit that makes them do all these prophecies and “miracles” is NOT from the Lord.  Many of them got this “gift” from their spiritual father.  So after they have prophesied the whole day, the same thing happens to them.  Strength leaves these spirits.  These spirits then needs to be recharged.  Now because they cannot go and get “strength” form the Lord, because the Lord does not “recharge” evil spirits, they then have to find a way to fill up their “prophetic strength”, which is sex.

Now to all women that have sex with these prophets, let me tell you something quickly.  That was not “sex” that you had with that man.  That is why the next day you feel like you are worthless, many of you want to commit suicide, sometimes you are confused for days and you don’t even want to go to work.. ,many of you drop out from schools, varsity, many of you become alcoholics, satanits.. it was not sex my dear.  That man was using you as a Cell Phone charger.  You were charging his evil spirit.  So he took from  your spirit all the vitamins, proteins, ect, to recharge the evil spirits.   Now that he is recharged,  see him on Sunday how he will be moving in the “prophetic”,  performing great signs and wonders, you will watch him getting “forensic”, pin point accuracy, why, because he took from you.

Now that he has taken from you, he needs to find another source!!  Then another source!  Then another source!! He cant help it, he cant stop it.  The day he stops having sex with everyone that is the day he will stop prophesying!  So sad!!  And you my precious sisters, when the prophet approaches you, you think you are so lucky, you think you are the chosen one.!  Why do you think a “prophet” put 90 women in one house and was having sex with all of them?   Do you think he was having “sex” , or can you clearly see that those women were there to “recharge” him?

He will tell you in the realm of the spirit he saw you in a wedding gown, and there you smile smile with him!! One “prophet” told me in confidence.  He was telling me that he can actually “see” HIV on a woman.  So before he sleeps with any woman, he starts ‘delivering” them first, he then ‘casts away” the HIV spirit, then he sleeps with the woman, when he is done, he commands that spirit to come back into the woman.  Women, why are you still hanging around these hyenas in shiny suits??  Of course they are handsome.  The devil does not use ugly men.  He hand picks his prophets well.  They are good looking, they dress well, they smell nicely, but that is on the outside.  They are exactly what Jesus said of the Pharisees, he said they are like tomb stones, on the outside they look nice but inside they are full of dead man’s bones.  Listen to me, if  it was possible to get MORE EVIL than a false prophet, Jesus would have said so.

Let me be clear and frank!! These people need to find a way to recharge their spirits.  If not through sex, then they will have to sacrifice souls,  people will die mysteriously in their church, sometimes it will look like a “freak” accident, but the prophet knows, he needed to “recharge”.

Some of the sex prophets are committing such evil acts that their spirits are no longer human.  That is why when you see most of them in dreams, you will dream that they change into into animals.., that’s who they are, the Bible calls them “brute beasts”!!!.

If you are one of those women who “recharged” a false prophet, and you know since that time something left you, please seek help.  Don’t find another false prophet to help you, he will only take whatever remains that was not taken by the first.  Find a genuine man of God.  God has his true servants everywhere.  Let them pray with you, let them lead you back to the Lord.   Lord When are people going to realize the lateness of the hour??., My spirit is sooo sad!! I am soo sad!!

Oh what is happening to the church of the living God!!  I really cant help sobbing now!!  What would genuine men of God that died in this country preaching the gospel, what would they say when we tell them the church has been infiltrated with sex prophets???  What would a man like Nicholas Bhengu say?? When we tell him our girls are now being  used  to recharge prophets???  Oh Lord!!! Im sorry!! I can’t stop crying!!  
I know these prophets say a lot of things about Daniel Phaladi, they say all sorts of things.  That I judge them, I  condemn them, that is soo not true! Anyone that knows me, will know that condemnation is something faaaar from me!! I love God’s people.  I believe the gospel of Grace!!  I know that  God’s people have all sorts of weaknesses, some are fighting off all manner of addictions, and Jesus loves them so much.., but here we are not talking about a “human weakness”, we are talking about something completely different!!!   We are talking about the devil, using God’s daughters as “prophet chargers” so his good looking handsome false prophets can deceive the world!!! Flee, flee from sex prophets!!

And you men that have been offered money by some of these prophets to sleep with your wives and you agreed,  to me you are not different from Esau, who sold his birthright for a morsel of bread!!  A real man will NEVER put a price on his wife, no matter how much your struggle!!

John Wesley must be turning in his grave. Hearing  that men are being offered money so their wives can recharge end-time sex prophets.

Heavenly Father, I come to you now in a moment of distress and inward pain.   when You called me to free Your children from spiritual deception and bondage, I never anticipated all this oh Lord.  Sometimes all these things that come to me, are too much to bear, but I pray for your Grace dear Lord.  May I run this race with patience.   I know that when I am weak, then you are strong..,.  Help me to cope Lord with this campaign dear Father,  Sometimes if my spirit is broken like this, what more your spirit Lord.  Seeing your daughters you died for, your paid the highest price for, being used to recharge fallen men.., men  who chose popularity and money over the souls of your people, men who chose to be regarded highly by the society by mocking the old rugged cross, dripping with shame and blood..,  Help your church I pray.  Help us dear Lord.  I pray with a bleeding heart, trusting that this little message will help many of your daughters trapped by an evil anti-Christ system masquerading as the genuine.

The hour is late oh Lord, we see earthquakes in places where no earthquakes were recorded, we see hurricanes and weather upheavals in a scale never seen before.  We see that nature is groaning, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.  We hear of wars and rumours of war,   Manifest your sons oh Lord, and send them to the world...., grant  them the boldness to speak out Lord!!  To manifest the risen Christ to all mankind.  I am homesick oh Lord, I  miss home so much, this world has become a strange place to your people, Yet we shall endure till the end,  and carry the sword and the banner of the word, till we hear you say, “Come Home my children”.   In Jesus Name I pray.., Amen!

Pastor Daniel Phaladi

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